I know many people are in various stages of wedding planning right now and my heart goes out to any of those struggling with the uncertainty surrounding their big day. Although mine went ahead it was drastically different to our initial plans and I thought that, especially with the recent drop in numbers allowed at UK weddings, it might be nice to share with you our tiny, but very beautiful Summer micro wedding as a bit of small wedding inspiration.
Our wedding had a total guest list of 9, including ourselves, from an original list of around 120.
7 of our immediate family where able to be (physically) there on the day, but our other friends and family where there in so many other ways!
We married at Country Ways, which is not far from our home, we fell in love straight away with everything about the venue.... amazing views of North Devon's beautiful countryside, a gorgeous stone barn for the ceremony and a collection of on site holiday cottages.
Oh and wait for it, there's a hot tub....which I can confirm, is a perfectly lovely way to spend your wedding morning!!

The Little Details....
Due to unplanned extra time before the wedding I was able to get stuck in and do some making before the day. I made my Mum and Niece dried flower hair combs, some floral bridal hoops for my sisters and a flower crown for myself. (The flower crown was a real last minute addition, the lovely Hannah from Brighteye Beauty came to do my hair in the morning and took this change totally in her stride because she is fabulous!)
I wore a gorgeous necklace made for me by the super talented Gayle at Bee Lavish, which had a handmade porcelain sea shell hanging alongside an opal, the same stone which is in my engagement ring. She also made a lovely porcelain and gold mussel shell which I added into Mike's (the groom!!) button hole as a surprise.

My bouquet was created by Harriet at Sweetpeas & Sunflowers and I just absolutly loved it, it looked and smelt incredible! All the flowers were grown by her just around the corner from my house, they were all seasonal blooms full of vibrant colours and a lovely mix of textures and smells.
If you are already following my little studio you may have noticed I am a BIG flower fan, and flowers were a must on the list. We also had a collection of DIY buckets from Harriet which we collected the day before the wedding and had the most fun filling watering cans, milk churns and bottles with all her beautiful blooms as decorations for the barn door and dinner table.
Blessed with an afternoon of blue skies (often a luxury August doesn't gives us!) our family could sit outside for the ceremony with myself and Mike in the doorway of the barn, and Australian relatives propped up on a barrel via an IPad!

After the ceremony the family where given STRICT instructions to grab as much confetti as they possibly could, and they didn't disappoint. (The fact I had already brought enough confetti for 100+ guests probably helped, not to mention Holly being the boss of the confetti shot! Thanks Holly!)
We then spent the afternoon celebrating with glasses of pimms, lawn games and a lovely playlist in the sunshine before having a little self catered BBQ in place of our planned reception.
There was a very relaxing and slow pace to the day and we sat out until the sun went down talking, eating cake (a homemade Victoria sponge) and drinking very tasty local gin.
Although it was a tough decision to go ahead with the wedding knowing so many special people would not be able to attend, we found our own little ways to bring them to the day and we will look forward to celebrating with them in the future when we can hang a huge disco ball up and dance!!
The day changed in many ways from the original plans but it really was unexpectedly small and completely perfect!

Venue Country Ways // Flowers Sweetpeas & Sunflowers // Photography Holly Collings Photography